Update Live Commentary
End of the match Saudi Arabia 1-2 Oman.
Goool from Oman is taking the lead with 5 minutes remaining
The intensity of the game drops a little, both teams fall into despair for not being able to generate more scoring plays.
Saudi Arabia also makes changes with the intention of being more offensive and generating more dangerous plays.
Saudi Arabia presses and suffocates Oman looking to generate danger on the flanks and get back into the lead of the match.
Oman makes changes with the intention of regaining possession of the ball and being more offensive.
Saudi Arabia has had 5 shots on goal, while Oman has had only 2 shots on goal.
Oman defends very well and looks to generate danger.
Arabia looks for the go-ahead goal.
Halftime Arabia 0-1 Oman.
Arabia's goal ties the match.
In the last minutes of the first half, everything indicates that we will leave with the advantage for Oman at halftime.
Oman's goal opens the scoring.
Arabia gets close to the goal but Oman defends very well.
The ball is fought with a lot of intensity in the midfield and the teams do not give the ball away.
Saudi Arabia has to make a change due to injury.
Oman gradually regained possession and began to generate danger.
Many fouls cause the game to be constantly stopped, a very lively start.
Arabia dominates at the start of the match.
The game between Arabia and Oman kicks off.
All ready
Everything is ready for the start of the match and the teams are preparing in the tunnel to take the field for the start of the match.
End of warm-up
The two teams finish warming up and enter the locker room for the final talk before the opening whistle.
The central referee in charge of dispensing justice will be referee Ning Ma.
Great Entrance
Great entrance at Al-Mina, the people responded in a great way and filled the building almost half an hour before the start of the match.
Already warming up
The two teams are warming up, warming up before the start of the match on match day 3.
Already in the stadium
The players are already at the stadium, some of them are getting ready in the dressing room to warm up, while others are checking out the field upon their arrival.
Little by little, the fans are coming to the stadium, a large entrance is expected for this match of the Gulf Cup.
Stay tuned for Saudi Arabia vs Oman Gulf Cup Match Day 3 LIVE
In a few moments we'll share with you the starting lineups for Saudi Arabia vs Oman live on Match day 3 of the Gulf Cup, as well as the latest information from Al Mina Olympic Stadium. Keep an eye on the action with VAVEL's minute-by-minute live online coverage.
Where and how to watch Saudi Arabia vs Oman live on Match day 3 of the Gulf Cup
The match Saudi Arabia vs Oman will not be broadcast on television.
The match Saudi Arabia vs Oman will not be broadcast on streaming.
If you want to watch the match live online, VAVEL Mexico is your best option.
The match Saudi Arabia vs Oman will not be broadcast on streaming.
If you want to watch the match live online, VAVEL Mexico is your best option.
Other matches tomorrow
Tomorrow, in addition to Saudi Arabia vs Oman, Iraq vs Yemen, the same countries in Group A, will be played, in this match the big favorite is Iraq, who is currently the overall leader.
Al-Mina Olympic Stadium
Located in Iraq, it is a multipurpose stadium used for this Gulf Cup, it has a capacity for 30 thousand spectators and was inaugurated on December 26, 2022. One of the newest stadiums, inaugurated just a few weeks ago, it will be the stadium where Saudi Arabia and Oman will face each other on day 3 of the Gulf Cup.
What time is the Saudi Arabia vs Oman match day 3 in the Gulf Cup?
This is the kick-off time for the Saudi Arabia vs Oman match on January 12 in several countries:
Mexico: 09:00 hours CDMX
Argentina: 11:00 a.m.
Chile: 10:00 a.m.
Colombia: 09:00 hours
Peru: 09:00 hours
USA: 10:00 a.m. ET
Ecuador: 09:00 hours
Uruguay: 11:00 a.m.
Paraguay: 10:00 a.m.
Spain: 16:00 hours
Mexico: 09:00 hours CDMX
Argentina: 11:00 a.m.
Chile: 10:00 a.m.
Colombia: 09:00 hours
Peru: 09:00 hours
USA: 10:00 a.m. ET
Ecuador: 09:00 hours
Uruguay: 11:00 a.m.
Paraguay: 10:00 a.m.
Spain: 16:00 hours
Neither team has any injured or suspended players, so they will be able to count on a full squad for this match that puts at stake the overall leadership of Group A in the Gulf Cup.
The record is leaning towards Saudi Arabia since in the last 6 matches the record indicates 3 wins for Saudi Arabia, a draw and 2 victories for Oman, so tomorrow Saudi Arabia will come out as favorites to take the 3 points and regain the overall lead in Group A of the Gulf Cup.
How does Oman arrive?
Oman comes to this match in second place with 4 points and with the opportunity to be the overall leader if they win or draw, a country that comes with the idea of fighting for a ticket to the next World Cup in Mexico, Canada and USA 2026, Oman comes from defeating Yemen 3-2, the same result that now placed them in second place.
How does Saudi Arabia arrive?
Saudi Arabia comes in third place with 3 points and a record of one game won and one lost, will seek to defeat Oman and to aspire to high positions that are currently occupied by Oman and Iraq, Arabia comes with rhythm after finishing the World Cup in Qatar with the surprise of having been the only team to have defeated Argentina.
Good afternoon VAVEL friends!
Good afternoon to all VAVEL readers! Welcome to the broadcast of the match Saudi Arabia vs Oman, match day 3 of the Gulf Cup. The match will take place at the Al-Minna Olympic Stadium at 09:00.