Red Wolves seek faster start in home opener
Martes 14 de Noviembre del 2023
JONESBORO — Arkansas State head coach Bryan Hodgson hopes to see his team play with a sense of urgency, start to finish, in its home opener this evening.
Temas: Kohl center
Martes 14 de Noviembre del 2023
JONESBORO — Arkansas State head coach Bryan Hodgson hopes to see his team play with a sense of urgency, start to finish, in its home opener this evening.
Jueves 23 de Febrero del 2023
A familiar face will be back in the Kohl Center to help celebrate the team's 125th season as the Badgers host Rutgers.
Lunes 26 de Febrero del 2018
Tickets are $65 and $135 and go on sale this Friday at