
'Mini Hulk', el fisicoculturista que conquista redes sociales

Martes 08 de Agosto del 2017

'Mini Hulk', el fisicoculturista que conquista redes sociales

Vince Brasco se ha convertido en una sensación de las redes sociales, al demostrar que su corta estatura no es ningún impedimento para que pueda incursionar en el mundo del fisicoculturismo, donde llega a levantar incluso tres veces su peso.

Vince Brasco se ha convertido en una sensación de las redes sociales, al demostrar que su corta estatura no es ningún impedimento para que pueda incursionar en el mundo del fisicoculturismo, donde llega a levantar incluso tres veces su peso.

Vince Brasco se ha convertido en una sensación de las redes sociales, al demostrar que su corta estatura no es ningún impedimento para que pueda incursionar en el mundo del fisicoculturismo, donde llega a levantar incluso tres veces su peso.

Conocido como ‘Mini Hulk’, Brasco el originario de Pensilvania mide 1.24 metros debido a que nació con una forma de enanismo que causa que sus brazos y piernas sean más cortos. Pese a esto, Vince decidió entrenar y levantar pesas para convertirse en una inspiración para aquellas personas que, al igual que él, tienen enanismo y se sienten mal por sus problemas de estatura.

Además de dedicarse al fisicoculturismo, ‘Mini Hulk’ también es bombero en Pittsburgh, donde se encuentra desde 2011.

A lo largo de su vida, Vince ha tenido quince cirugías; incluyendo una en 2007 donde por complicaciones casi pierde la vida.

"Choose your own path. Never look for someone to choose it for you. Decisions determine destiny. Love the ones who love you. They will never leave your side, especially in time of need, and push you to be at your best. Be that inspiration, never give up and never give in. You and only you determine your destiny." Mini Hulk When you get a text or a phone call from your training partner who couldn't train with you that day, telling you what to do, especially when they mean the most to you, you do it, AND MAKE NO EXCUSES. @5percentnutrition @1dayumay @c_no5 @macolley @guycisternino @dollar @throne @gymflow100 @gymmotivation @gym_help @instagrambodybuilding @official_otomix @6packbags @big_c_green @bigbtotalfitness #5percentnutrition #iam5percent #iamblessed #minihulk #hulk #mybrand #overcome #dedicated #determined #inspiration #inspire #overcome #planning #nolimits #nooffseason #vegas #athlete #adventure #entrepreneur #beast #branded #blessed #believe #dwarfism #humble

Una publicación compartida de 5% Nutrition Sponsored Athlete (@officialminihulk) el

"Never let fear or frustration take over your life" @officialminihulk Anything I set out to do, if I fail I will figure out why I failed, fix it, and achieve it. Never settle. "There is no we in the letter I." @officialminihulk Do things for you. Your goals, they are yours. Your dreams, they are yours. No one can do them for you. -I will launch something big in August. -I will travel and speak where I am wanted. -I will own my dream car. I. I. I. There is no we because these are my goals and no one can do them for me. While having a significant other, a best friend, or a family member who is always there for you, they can't do any of these goals for you. You are the one that needs to make the leap, GRIND, AND BELIEVE. @chrispassaro Thank you @bespokenryan @throne @dollar @anth_gtr @rossaselftanning @macolley @swoleoclock @official_otomix @officialgasp @elite1fitgear @6packbags #overcome #strong #minihulk #mybrand #entrepreneur #powerful #athlete #adventure #workhard #workharder #wednesdaywisdom #inspire #inspiration #iam5percent #ilovethislife #believe #blessed #welcometomyworld #beast #nodonuts #nolimits #nooffseason #improvement

Una publicación compartida de 5% Nutrition Sponsored Athlete (@officialminihulk) el

Whatever the weight is, focus and do the work. Never name any excuses. "O shit, this is fucking heavy." But I still did every rep and didn't give up. Believe. I will be doing a prep for an appearance I will be making in 11 weeks. Not disclosing where. But you will see @officialminihulk with a new, bigger and fuller look than ever. Sometimes people just understand you but sometimes you need left alone to regroup. Never ask why. Believe. Focus. I am the 5%. @5percentnutrition @1dayumay @guycisternino @big_c_green @official_otomix CODE: HULK25 @liquidsunrayz @meredith_mayhem @traumarn25_ifbbpro @martynfordofficial @6packbags @swoleoclock @jaycutler @dollar @throne @str0ng.is.the.new.skinny #iam5percent #5percentnutrition #entrepreneur #adventure #nooffseason #strengthinnumbers #minihulk #officialminihulk #mybrand #firefighter #strong #backday #killshit #welcometomyworld #inspiration #inspire #dedicated #determined #dreambig #followyourdreams #iamblessed

Una publicación compartida de 5% Nutrition Sponsored Athlete (@officialminihulk) el

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